(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 28 - Reggio Emilia on Thursday remembered
the Cervi brothers, eight siblings who formed one of Italy's
first Resistance bands and were executed by the Fascists on
December 28, 1943.
Eight red roses were placed on the site of the former firing
range in the Emilian city to commemorate Gelindo, Antenore,
Aldo, Ferdinando, Agostino, Ovidio and Ettore Cervi, shot by a
Fascist firing squad along with an eighth partisan, Quarto
They were caught along with their father Alcide in a Fascist
sweep on November 25.
The eight partisans were executed in retaliation for the
December 27 assassination of the town council secretary at
Bagnolo in Piano, Davide Onfiani. (ANSA).
Reggio Emilia remembers Cervi brothers
Red roses laid at site of partisans' execution