
Jews say unacceptable outrage at Acca Larentia

It's like pouring salt on our wounds says Fadlun

Jews say unacceptable outrage at Acca Larentia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 8 - Rome's Jewish community on Monday described Fascist salutes at a ceremony Sunday marking the 46th anniversary of the deaths of three neofascist youths allegedly due to far left militants at the neoFascist Italian Social Movement's then HQ in Via Acca Larentia as "an unacceptable outrage".
    "The Roman salute is an unacceptable insult and outrage, particularly to the memory of all the victims of Nazi-fascism," said the president of the Jewish community of Rome, Victor Fadlun.
    "For us Jews in Rome, that gesture, because of its symbolic value, is like pouring salt on our wounds, it signifies mourning and suffering that is renewed through the generations.
    "It is nonsense to believe that it can be an appropriate tribute to a commemoration".
    Meanwhile Premier Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, an heir to the MSI, accused the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) of "hypocrisy" in condemning the latest salutes after not doing anything to stop them at the annual ceremonies that have been held every year since the January 7, 1978 events.

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