
135 episodes of anti-Semitism in Italy since October 7

Piantedosi reports clear increase after Hamas attacks

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 9 - Italy registered 135 episodes of anti-Semitism between October 7, when Hamas launched its wave of shocking attacks on Israel, sparking the war in Gaza, and the end of 2023, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi on Tuesday told a meeting of parliament's extraordinary commission to combat intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and the incitement of hatred and violence.
    The minister said that had been a "clear increase in episodes of anti-Semitism", citing cases of graffiti daubed on walls, anti-Israel banners and chants at marches, acts of vandalism and insults directed at Jewish people.
    He added that 42 people suspected of being behind some of these acts had been reported to prosecutors. (ANSA).

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