
Salvini statements out of order says Roberto Salis

League head said absurd to be a teacher,violent demos surprising

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 31 - Statements by rightwing League leader and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini that it was allegedly "absurd" that antifascist militant Ilaria Salis should be a primary school teacher and that it was "surprising" that she had been caught up in violent demos like the one for which she is facing jail time in Hungary are "out of order", her father Roberto told ANSA Wednesday.
    "Everything is OK but you cannot make statements of this kind.
    Salvini's statement seemed out of order to me," her father said, , commenting on Infrastructure Minister Salvini's statement that "it is absurd that Ilaria is a teacher".
    The League leader, in a post on X, also described as "surprising" the fact that the 39-year-old militant in jail in Budapest on charges of assaulting two extreme right-wing militants "has been present at violent demonstrations". (ANSA).

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