
Farmers' protests 'handled impeccably' says Piantedosi

Minister thanks prefects, police chiefs, hails cooperation

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 7 - Farmers' protests driving their tractors around major Italian cities have been handled by Italian public-order authorities "impeccably" Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said Wednesday.
    "A civilised way of representing the protest that we are handling so far in a way that I must say is impeccable," he said when asked about tractors holding up traffic on major arteries and bringing cars to a standstill in many cities including imminently Rome.
    "I would like to thank the prefects and police chiefs above all who are mediating and are having the cooperation of the organisers so that there is a balance between the need to demonstrate but at the same time not to affect what are issues of public order and security," Piantedosi added at the end of the Public Safety and Security Committee held in Perugia.

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