
Tractors may roam Circus Maximus next wk says protest head

Thousands of vehicles to gather in Rome says Calvani

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 7 - The leader of Italy's main farmers protest said Wednesday that a planned tractor parade around Rome some time next week would involve thousands of vehicles and could see them roaming around the historic Circus Maximus.
    "We are expecting thousands of vehicles, including tractors and trucks, for next week's demonstration in Rome that could be held at the Circus Maximus," said Danilo Calvani, leader of CRA Farmers Betrayed.
    "Tomorrow the mobilisation will start and the garrisons around the capital will begin to fill up," he went on.
    "We do not know the exact day of the demonstration, but presumably (it will be) in the second half of next week.
    "We don't want flags of parties, trade unions, or politicians.
    "We are apolitical".
    Meanwhile a smaller group will drive its tractors around the Rome ring road this Friday. (ANSA).

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