
FdI presents proposal to postpone tractor insurance

In agreement with Farm Minister Lollobrigida

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 9 - Lawmakers from Premier Giorgia Meloni's party Brothers of Italy (FdI), in agreement with Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida, have filed an amendment to a decree on regulatory deadlines currently before parliament that postpones by six months the entry into force of compulsory insurance for agricultural vehicles, party sources said on Friday.
    The FdI sources said the move confirms the desire of the party, the agriculture ministry and the Meloni government to continue to support the agricultural sector through common-sense measures, and that it will do all it can, in Italy and in Europe, to defend all workers in the agrifood sector.
    Farmers' association Coldiretti hailed the decision.
    "Coldiretti strongly supports the measure that avoids the need to insure agricultural vehicles that do not circulate on the road," it said in a statement.
    "Coldiretti in fact underlines the need not to exacerbate the costs of agricultural companies and to lighten the burden of bureaucracy," it added.
    Coldiretti said there are about two million tractors and other agricultural vehicles in Italy that are potentially affected by the insurance requirement.
    Farmers up and down the country are protesting over European and Italian agricultural and environmental policies and general hardship in the sector. (ANSA).

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