
Grief for Florence, more workplace safety needed says Pope

Francis sends condolences to victims' families

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 17 - Pope Francis on Saturday expressed his "sorrow" and "grief" for the victims of Friday's structural collapse at a supermarket construction site in Florence and reiterated his call for greater safety in the workplace.
    In a telegram sent by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to Florence Archbishop Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, the Pope expressed "feelings of closeness and condolences to the families of the victims, together with his deepest participation in the grief of the entire city".
    "In this particularly dramatic moment, Pope Francis wishes to renew his appeal for safety in the workplace, hoping for a greater commitment on the part of those responsible for protecting workers," the telegram continued.
    In the message, the pope also thanked the rescue workers and sent his apostolic blessing to all as a sign of spiritual closeness". (ANSA).

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