
Let's work together on labour safety says Schlein

Condolences no longer enough, urgent measures needed

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 17 - The leader of the centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) Elly Schlein is ready to work with the government of Premier Giorgia Meloni on the issue of workplace safety after Friday's structural collapse at a building site in Florence left four construction workers dead and one missing feared dead and a further three people injured, party sources said on Saturday.
    Schlein is "very determined to bring the issue" of safety at work "to the attention of the government, which has the tools to deal with it", party sources said.
    As in the past on gender-based violence, on this issue too the PD is willing to "abandon the conflict with Premier Giorgia Meloni," the sources added.
    "Condolences are no longer enough: urgent and effective measures are needed," continued the sources, adding that workplace safety "is one of the issues on which we must not act with prejudice".
    Rather, it is necessary to talk to the government in order to "face this emergency together". (ANSA).

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