
Giorgia and I united and solid, she's a friend - Salvini

The more the papers pit us against one another the closer we are

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 21 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Wednesday laid claim to his friendship with Premier Giorgia Meloni and said the more the media try to pit them against one another the closer they become.
    "On a national level, the more some big newspapers, Corriere della Sera or Repubblica, try to force Giorgia and I apart, the more we move forward together and as one for five years, not a minute less," said Salvini during a rally in Cagliari ahead of regional elections in Sardinia on Sunday.
    Meloni is the leader of the Brothers of Italy (FdI), the biggest party in the right-centre coalition government, while Salvini is leader of the smaller coalition partner League.
    "The more they try to make us quarrel the more they cement what is not just a political alliance; in Giorgia I have found not only an ally and an excellent premier but also a friend, and in politics this makes the difference," said Salvini.
    Since taking office in October 2022, Meloni and Salvini have had differences over a number of issues including migration, electoral alliances, terms in office and taxes. The League leader has also sometimes failed to toe the government line on Russia and Ukraine. (ANSA).

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