
Despite propaganda, Russia is not winning says Meloni

Better explain importance of commitment to Kyiv says PM at G7

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 24 - Russia is not winning the Ukraine war despite its propaganda to that effect, Premier Giorgia Meloni said Saturday in introducing the G7 summit dedicated to Ukraine, the first of the Italian presidency.
    "We must do much better in explaining that the current situation of the conflict is our victory, a Ukrainian victory, and not a victory for Russia as its propaganda tries to claim", she told the leaders in a videoconference.
    'We must be more effective,' she added, 'in explaining how our commitment is fundamental not only for us, but for everyone.
    Because few would benefit from a world without rules, a world governed only by military force and where every state could risk being invaded by its neighbour'. (ANSA).

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