
Putin eyed other countries after Ukraine Meloni tells G7

He failed for Ukrainians' tenacity, West's unity says PM in Kyiv

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 24 - Russian President Vladimir Putin eyed other countries after Ukraine, Premier Giorgia Meloni told a G7 videoconference from Kyiv on Saturday.
    Two years ago on this day, she said in her introduction to the first G7 summit hosted by Italy as group president this year, "Russia shocked the world by invading Ukraine.
    "Putin's plan was a lighting war that was supposed to make Ukraine capitulate in a few days, probably with the objective of then turning his gaze towards other nearby states, not only European ones." But Putin "did not take into due consideration the tenacity of the Ukrainians and the unity of the West.
    "These are the two elements that made his plan fail". (ANSA).

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