
Ukraine part of our home and we will defend it -Meloni at G7

Antonov Airport symbol of Russian failure says PM before summit

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 24 - Ukraine is a part of our home and we will defend it, Premier Giorgia Meloni said ahead of Italy's first Group of Seven (G7) summit in its presidency, on the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, speaking at an airport outside the Ukrainian capital where unexpected Ukrainian resistance denied Moscow a key strategic site and thwarted its plans for the quick capitulation of Kyiv.
    "This land is a picee of our home and we will do out bit to defend its," Meloni said at Antonov Airport at Hostomel, 10 km outside Kyiv.
    Speaking alongside President Volodymyr Zelensky and the other international leaders who have come to Kyiv on the second anniversary of the war's start, Meloni added: "This place is a symbol of Moscow's failure and Ukraine's pride, it reminds that there is soemthing stromger than missiles and war: it is a love for one's land and freedom". (ANSA).

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