
'I lost,national factors had nothing to do with it'-Truzzu

Responsibility mine says centre-right candidate, wrote to Meloni

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 27 - Defeated centre-right Sardinia governor candidate Paolo Truzzu said after conceding to centre-left candidate and new governor Alessandra Todde that the loss was his alone and national factors had had nothing to with it.
    The Cagliari mayor said he had sent a message to Premier Giorgia Meloni, head of his rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, acknowledging his responsibility for the defeat.
    "But the reading of the vote is simple: these were not elections influenced by national factors and the fact that proves it is the result in Cagliari, which, rather than voting for Todde, voted against me.
    "It would have been enough to have three-four more points to win the whole race.
    "That is why I say that the responsibility is mine. There are several Sardinias. We had a great result outside the urban centres. The causes of the Cagliari vote? There are many factors: split voting, construction sites".. (ANSA).

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