
Sending troops to Ukraine 'not contemplated' - premier

PM's office releases statement after Macron floated the idea

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 27 - Premier Giorgia Meloni's office said Tuesday that the prospect of sending Western troops to fight in Ukraine was not on the agenda after French President Emmanuel Macron failed to rule out this hypothesis at a security conference in Paris on Monday.
    "The conference organised yesterday in Paris by President Macron was an opportunity to reaffirm, with the participation of Deputy (Foreign) Minister (Edmondo) Cirielli, Italy's full commitment to supporting Ukraine in the struggle to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity," the premier's office said in a statement.
    "Ever since the Russian aggression two years ago, there has been full cohesion of all the Allies in the support offered to Kiev.
    "This support does not contemplate the presence on Ukrainian territory of troops from European or NATO states". (ANSA).

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