
Truzzu says will weigh recount request after court ruling

In Cagliari alone 1,000 spoiled ballots - defeated Sardinia man

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 27 - Paolo Truzzu, Cagliari mayor and defeated centre-right candidate for Sardinia governor, said Tuesday his Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, led by Premier Giorgia Meloni, would weigh whether to ask for a recount of Sunday's wafer-thin election result after a court rules on the issue.
    "In Cagliari alone there were 1,000 spoiled ballots," said the mayor, who lost by about 0.3% to the centre left's Alessandra Todde, a bigwig in the leftist populist 5-Star Movement (M5S) and now Sardinia's first woman governor after the success of the 'broad field' alliance with the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).
    The FdI says there were irregularities in voting in a small town near Sassari in the north of the island and another small town in southern Sardinia. (ANSA).

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