
No interference in Salis case says Tajani

And yes minister, she is a martyr says father

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 28 - Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on Wednesday rejected Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó's claim that there had been "interference" by Italy in the case of Ilaria Salis, an Italian antifascist held in Budapest over an alleged attack on two neoNazis a year ago.
    Tajani said after meeting his Hungarian counterpart in Rome Wednesday that Rome was continuing to push to make sure Salis's detention conditions respected her human rights, as it does for many cases of Italian citizens held abroad.
    "Without any desire to interfere, but with the clear intention of exerting pressure to verify that the conditions of detention respect European norms that uphold the safeguarding of human rights".
    Salis's father Roberto, meanwhile, took issue with Szijjártó's assertion that she was "not a martyr", saying that "if he means a person who was tortured for 35 days then Ilaria certainly is a martyr".
    Salis, 39, sparked an outcry last month when she appeared in a Budapest court being led on a chain with her hands and ankles cuffed, and amid reports that her cell was dirty, riddled with bugs, and unhygienic.
    Roberto Salis also said she had been tortured to make her confess to the alleged crime, which carries a term of at least 24 years in Hungary. (ANSA).

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