
Finance police recover 11m from influencers in unpaid tax

Following assessments on income from posts and collaborations

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 9 - Finance police in the northern city of Bologna have recovered 11 million euro in unpaid taxes from local influencers followed collectively by 50 million people and digital creators, it emerged on Saturday.
    The force reconstructed their earnings from social posts and collaborations with companies.
    Businessman and Dj Gianluca Vacchi and videomaker Luis Sal were among the influencers involved in the tax audit, which did not have criminal relevance.
    Influencers have come under close scrutiny in Italy in recent months after Chiara Ferragni found herself at the centre of a media storm and judicial probe over earnings from allegedly bogus charity endorsements involving a pandoro Christmas cake, an Easter egg and a doll that looked like her.
    The 36-year-old influencer and businesswoman has insisted she acted in good faith. (ANSA).

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