
TikTok 'disagrees' with Antitrust decision

'Reduced visibility of content after launch of probe'

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, MAR 14 - Video-sharing social media app TikTok said Thursday it disagrees with the decision by Italy's antitrust authority to fine it 10 million euros for allegedly failing to protect minors and other vulnerable users from potentially harmful content.
    "We disagree with this decision," said a spokesperson for the Chinese-owned company.
    "The content linked to the so-called 'French scar' registered a daily average of just 100 searches per day in Italy before the Antitrust authority announced the start of its investigation last year," the spokesperson added.
    "We have long since reduced the visibility of such content to users under the age of 18, even excluding them from the 'For You' page'," the spokesperson concluded. (ANSA).

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