(ANSA) - ROME, APR 19 - Rai Chairman Marinella Soldi on
Friday chided veteran talk show host Bruno Vespa over Thursday
night's episode of his flagship Porta a Porta show which only
features male pundits on the current abortion debate in Italy
after a government move to let pro-life activists into clinics
to illustrate alternatives to women wanting to end their
Soldi wrote to Vespa, one of the network's stars, and "recalled
the fundamental role of the public service in particular on such
a sensitive issue and one which directly bears on women's
bodies," Rai sources said.
Rai had said earlier that all the female commentators contacted
to appear on the show had been unavailable. (ANSA).
Rai chair chides Vespa on all-male abortion show
Fundamental role of public service on women's bodies