(ANSA) - ROME, APR 23 - Justice Minister Carlo Nordio said
Tuesday that Italy celebrated Liberation Day on April 25 marking
the country's liberation from Nazi-fascism but paradoxically
Italy was still largely ruled by the fascist code of law signed
by Benito Mussolini and the then king while a reformed code
named after late justice minister and Resistance hero Giuliano
Vassalli had been demolished.
"I would like to remind you that our penal code, although partly
reformed, is the one signed by Benito Mussolini and Vittorio
Emanuele III," Nordio told a justice conference organised in the
capital at the University of Roma Tre.
"It is a Fascist code, albeit a very well-written one.
"We will soon be celebrating Liberation Day, a holiday that
celebrates anti-fascism, but we must remember that we still have
a code signed by Mussolini and Vittorio Emanuele III, which by
the way is in good health, while a code named after a Resistance
hero like Vassalli has been demolished and misinterpreted,
another paradox of our State". (ANSA).
Nordio says we celebrate 25 April but still fascist code
While Vassalli's code was demolished and misinterpreted