
Average annual income 23,650 euros - 2023 declarations

Highest earners in Lombardy, lowest in Calabria says economy min

Average annual income 23,650 euros - 2023 declarations

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 24 - The average annual income of an Italian taxpayer was 23,650 euros in 2022, the economy ministry said on Wednesday in a report on the 2023 tax declarations of 42 million people.
    It said the highest-earning region was Lombardy, with an average declared income of 27,890 euros, while the lowest was Calabria, with 17,160 euros.
    It said the number of taxpayers increased by 1.3% with respect to 2021, and the total amount of earnings declared by individuals rose by 6.3% to 970.2 billion euros, an increase of 58 billion. (ANSA).

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