
Mattarella appeals to save cinemas, bookshops

And urges safeguarding of freedom of expression at Davids

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 3 - President Sergio Mattarella on Friday appealed to save Italy's cinemas and bookstores amid dwindling audience attendances and fewer in-presence book customers due to online competition.
    Speaking at the presentation of the David di Donatello awards, Italy's Oscars, the president said "many cinemas are continuing to suffer, even after COVID, and there are many cities that no longer have accessible movie theatres.
    "It is an issue that present evident social effects and cannot be considered solely from the commercial standpoint.
    "Movie theatres are a meeting place." He added, on preserving bookstores, "with the same commitment to assuring the constant vitality of the civic fabric, book shops must be preserved and attention must be placed on those artistic and entertainment sectors that present to more limited audiences but express content of high vakue and quality".
    Mattarella also underscored the importance of safeguarding freedom of expression.
    "Great attention must be given in particular to the expression of young artists, who must try, experiment and therefore get experience and grow," he said.
    "The entry of new generations produces new richness.
    "It expresses freedom, that freedom to be ensured also to those who do not share our tastes, to those who think differently".

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