
Five workers die in Palermo area, sixth serious

Umpteenth fatal workplace accident in Italy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 6 - Five workers died in a work accident in Casteldaccia, near Palermo and a sixth was transported to the Policlinico hospital in Palermo, after being intubated.
    According to an initial reconstruction, the six workers from a private company were carrying out some sewage work, and not in a wine tank as initially reported, on behalf of Amap, the company that manages the water and sewage pipelines in Palermo.
    Italy is enduring a spate of fatal workplace accidents.
    Workplace accident insurance agency INAIL said last week that almost 200 workers had lost their lives in accidents this year, 2.6% down on last.
    President Mattarella said in a May Day speech that every such death was unacceptable, while unions called for urgent action to stem the fatal tide.
    The spate included seven workers killed in a hydro power plant blast near Bologna last month. (ANSA).

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