(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - Weapons supplied to Ukraine by Italy
are to be used only inside the country's borders, Deputy Premier
and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Tuesday.
"All the military materiel we send is destined to be used only
inside the territory of Ukraine," he said in Gorizia.
"We don't give materiel that can be used beyond Ukraine's
borders. We aren't at war with Russia."
Asked about French President Emmanuel Macron's fresh call for
NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine if Moscow breaks through the
lines and Kyiv requests them, Tajani said "I don't think Macron
wants to make war on Russia, ask him what he wants to do.
"NATO's decisions are taken by NATO and we are part of NATO, We
are not at war with Russia and we are against sending troops to
fight against the Russians". (ANSA).
Italy arms to be used only inside Ukraine - Tajani
Not at war with Russia, ask Macron what he means