
Salvini says Macron-Monti should be psych treated

For suggesting Italy troops fight in Ukraine

Salvini says Macron-Monti should be psych treated

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 8 - League leader, Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said Wednesday that French President Emmanuel Macron and former Italian premier Mario Monti should have their heads examined for suggesting the deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine if Russia breaks through and Kyiv asks for help.
    "It upsets me that after Macron, even Monti is talking today about sending Italian soldiers to fight in Ukraine," said Salvini.
    "These men must receive psychiatric care: those who think this way and say it as if it were a normal thing, that goes for Macron and Monti, are dangerous".
    "Talking about Italian soldiers who may go to fight and die in Ukraine, I consider it a very serious thing," he said.
    The League's Alessandro Giglio Vigna, chair of the House EU affairs committee meanwhile, said he had invited the French ambassador to report to his panel on Macron's statements, "softening" them.
    Vigna said "directly sending EU troops to the Ukraine conflict would be madness". (ANSA).

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