
Ref accused of political bias in denying 2 penalty shouts

Official FI candidate for Rovigo council, coach's dad up for PD

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 15 - A lower-league Italian referee has been accused of political bias after she denied a team two penalty appeals in a local Third Category game on Tuesday night, local media reported Wednesday.
    The official, Benedetta Fugalli, ia a town council candidate for the centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) party in Rovigo while the father of the aggrieved coach is a mayoral candidate for the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).
    Rivarese beat Giovane Italia Polesella 2-1 after the latter's two penalty claims were turned down and Polesella coach Nicola Tosini told reporters: "It was an inopportune refereeing appoitnment: we were penalised because of political reasons".

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