
Less than 2% of gas imported into Italy today is Russian

Only 20.64 mn KWh out of 1.19 TWh

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 21 - Gas imports from Russia to Italy are below 2% of the total today, according to data released by Snam Tuesday, It said 1.19 TWh (billion KWh, ed.) was arriving and only 20.64 million KWh coming from the pass between Tarvisio (Udine) and Arnoldstein (Austria).
    From Mazara del Vallo (Trapani) came 513.13 million KWh of Algerian gas and from Melendugno (Lecce) 249.9 million KWh of gas from Azerbaijan.
    The regasifier in Cavarzere (Rovigo) received 249.9 million KWh, the floating one in Piombino 110 and the one in Panigaglia (La Spezia) 20.48 million KWh.
    Italy has 4 other landings for gas, through which nothing has transited today, to which the floating regasifier in Ravenna will be added in 2025.
    Before its invasion of Ukraine, Russia accounted for the majority of gas being imported by Italy. (ANSA).

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