
Salvini, Le Pen see eye to eye says League on AfD

Comments on ID make-up after RN break with Germans

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 21 - Rightwing League party leader Matteo Salvini sees eye to eye with France's National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen after RN said it would no longer sit alongside Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the European Parliament's Identity and Democracy (ID) caucus, the League said Tuesday.
    "As always, Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen are perfectly aligned and in agreement," on the move, it said.
    In breaking with AfD, RN cited statements on rehabilitating Nazi SS soldiers.
    AfD has also taken other controversial far-right stances recently.
    Le Pen is currently ahead of President Emmanuel Macron in the race to become the next French president.
    She attended a rally last Sunday in Madrid hosted by Vox, which is in the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) caucus alongside Premier Giorgia Meloni's Breothers of Italy (FdI) party, Poland's Law and Justice party and other rightwing parties. (ANSA).

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