
Hungary neo-Nazi skinheads threatening Salis say observers

Address put on website with offer of a 'welcome little thing'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 30 - International observers on the case of Ilaria Salis said Thursday that Hungarian neo-Nazis are threatening the 39-year-old Monza elementary teacher and anti-fascist activist on trial in Budapest for allegedly attacking three neo-Nazis on their Day of Honour lauding SS troops on February 11, 2023.
    They said that Salis had been exposed to threats since the publication of her address for the house arrest she was grated last week after becoming a European parliament candidate for the Green-Left Alliance (AVS).
    "The address has been published on a Hungarian far right site with a special dedication and the offer of a 'welcome little thing'," said the Democratic Jurists observer group.
    After her release from controversial prison detention into house arrest, Salis has no longer been led into court on a chain with her wrists and ankles cuffed, treatment which Hungary says is standard procedure but which spurred angry Italian protests.
    Salis faces up to 24 years in jail for attempted murder.
    If she is elected for AVS Salis may be released completely due to parliamentary immunity. (ANSA).

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