
Climate Crisis: Mediterranean hit new record temp in 2023

WWF says waters getting saltier, more jellyfish, alien species

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 7 - The average temperature of surface water in the Mediterranean Sea hit a new record of 21.1°C in April 2023, as the area continued to be a "climate change hotspot", according to a report released by WWF Italia on Friday.
    The report, entitled 'The Breath of the Oceans (Il Respiro degli Oceani) and released ahead of World Oceans Day on Saturday, said this was almost a degree higher than the average for the 1850-1900 period.
    It said the climate crisis was leading the Mediterranean to become saltier too and higher temperatures were enabling alien species to migrate into the warming waters of the Mediterranean Sea and replaced endemic species, and boosting the spread of jellyfish.
    WWF said at the moment of 8.33% of the Mediterranean's waters are protected, a level that needs to come up to 30% by 2030.

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