
2-all in regional capital votes, Florence, Bari run-offs

C-R to win Campobasso, Potenza, C-L Perugia and Cagliari

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 10 - It is two-all between the centre right and the centre left in the six regional capital mayoral contests so far while Florence and Bari are heading for run-offs, according to projections Monday on the weekend local elections.
    The centre right is set to win Campobasso, capital of Molise, and Potenza, capital of Basilicata, while the centre left is set to win Perugia, the capital of Umbria, and Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia.
    The two biggest races, in Tuscan capital Florence and Puglia capital Bari, are set to go to a run-off in two weeks' time.
    In two other big cities, Bergamo in Lombardy and Pescara in Abruzzo, the score looks set to be one all, with the centre left set to win the city north of Milan and the centre right set to take the Adriatic city.
    photo: centre-left Florence candidate Sara Funaro, cenrtre right candidate Eike Schmidt (ANSA).

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