
Forza Italia aiming for 20% at next election - Tajani

Foreign minister dedicates showing in EU vote to Berlusconi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 10 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani expressed satisfaction after his Forza Italia (FI) party got around 9.2% of the vote in the European elections, adding that it was aiming to reach the 20% mark at the next Italian general election.
    The centre-right group improved after getting just over 8% in the 2022 general election in the first nationwide vote since the death last year of its founder, ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi.
    "We are close to the target we had set," Tajani, who has spoke of reaching double figures, said at the party headquarters, dedicating the showing to Berlusconi.
    "In the (next) general elections we aim to reach 20%.
    "It's an extraordinary result, Forza Italia is growing compared to the last election.
    "It is a a victory that we dedicate to President Silvio Berlusconi, to all those who have never stopped believing in our colours.
    "As of tonight, the centre-right and the EPP (European People's Party) are stronger". (ANSA).

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