(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 14 - Italy appears better with the
advancement of women, President Sergio Mattarella told the
recipients of this year's Marisa Bellisario Foundation Prize
named after the path-breaking former Olivetti executive who died
in 1988 aged 53.
"I am pleased to take direct note of this record of advancement
of the presence of women in top roles, because Italy looks
better", he said.
"Fortunately, there is a general, everywhere growing presence of
female protagonists, from the top ranks of the judiciary to
journalism, from economics to scientific activities.
"There are so many sides in which the female presence is
expressed, to the general advantage. I am truly convinced that
the male general should be grateful for this advancement because
men are in enormous need of women's contribution on an
absolutely equal footing.
"And that is still not enough". (ANSA).
Italy better with women's advancement says Mattarella
Still not enough, men need contribution tells Bellisario winners