(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 17 - Foreign Minister and centre-left post
Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) leader Antonio Tajani on Mìonday
appealed to his European People's Party (EPP) "not to close the
door" on Premier Giorgia Meloni's European Conservatives and
Reformists (ECR) group in talks on a new European Parliament
The existing majority of the EPP, Socialists and Democrats (S&D)
and the Liberals appears set to be confirmed, without any new
entries, after lower than expected rightwing gains at the
European elections.
But Tajani said he didn't think that "such a variegated reality"
as the EP can restrict itself to a three-way majority and that
"we must keep up dialogue (with the ECR)"
He also warned against the EPP-Socialist-Liberal majority being
extended to the Greens arguing that "we need a European policy
on fighting climate change that is not fundamentalist policies
but pragmatic politics". (ANSA).
Don't close door to ECR for EP majority says Tajani
Keep up dialogue, don't make concessions to Greens - FM