
Fincantieri Chairman, General Graziano, takes own life

Former Defence Chief of Staff was 70

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 17 - General Claudio Graziano, the chairman of Italian State-controlled shipbuilder Fincantieri, took his own life overnight, sources said on Monday.
    Graziano left a suicide note referring to his struggle to come to terms with his wife's recent death, the sources said.
    The alarm was raised by a Carabinieri police officer who was part of of Graziano's security detail and had a key to his apartment in the centre of Rome.
    The body of the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee and former Italian Defence Chief of Staff was found on a bed with a gunshot wound to the head, the sources said.
    Fincantieri's share prices dropped by over 3%, taking it under the five-euros mark, after the news of Graziano's death came out.
    President Sergio Mattarella and Premier Giorgia Meloni both voiced sadness at the general's death.
    "I express deep sorrow at the news of the sudden passing of General Claudio Graziano," said Mattarella.
    "I remember him as a generous and loyal man of the institutions, capable of always putting his competence and professionalism at the service of the Republic, qualities demonstrated in the important lead roles, both national and international, he held during his long career" Meloni said she was "shocked" by the news.
    "An upright servant of the State, who throughout his life brought honour to the nation, the Armed Forces and the institutions with dedication, competence and professionalism, has left us," she said.
    Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said via X that "the passing of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless.
    "He was a friend and was an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy, including in his European roles," Tajani said.
    "May a prayer accompany him on the journey to his wife". (ANSA).

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