
Salis celebrates birthday at home after returning to Italy

Antifascist released by Hungary after being elected MEP

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 17 - laria Salis, an Italian antifascist who was on trial for alleged involvement in an attack on neo-Nazis in Hungary, celebrated her 40th birthday with her family at home in Monza on Monday after being released following her election as a Green-Left Alliance (AVS) MEP and consequent parliamentary immunity.
    The elementary teacher had been accused of being part of a German-led 'hammer gang' that allegedly targeted neo-Nazis on their annual Day of Honour on February 11 last year commemorating the heroic resistance of an SS regiment against Soviets.
    On Friday police removed the electronic ankle bracelet she had been required to wear after her recent release from controversial prison detention to house arrest in Budapest and she returned to Italy at the weekend.
    During her trial she was led into court on a chain with her ankles and wrists cuffed, a procedure Hungary says is standard but which caused indignation and protests in Italy. (ANSA).

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