
Govt pulls licences of 47 'diploma mill' schools

'Zero tolerance for those who don't respect law' - Valditara

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 18 - Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara said Tuesday that authorities in three regions have started the procedure to remove the licences of a total of 47 private schools that allegedly made it easy for paying pupils to pass exams.
    "Today we announce the conclusion of the extraordinary plan of oversight to combat the 'diploma mill' phenomenon," Valditara said regarding a campaign of inspections of 70 private secondary schools in Campania, Lazio and Sicily.
    "There can be no tolerance for those who do not respect the law.
    "We reiterate our constant commitment to guarantee quality standards for all students, whether they attend state or private schools". (ANSA).

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