
'Losers' France, Germany can't impose choices says Tajani

Open doors of majority to ECR not Greens says FM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 18 - French and German leaders who lost the Euroepan elections cannot impose choices and isolate Italy's Giorgia Meloni who on the contrary scored a big win and whose European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group should replace the Greens as new entry into the future European Parliament majority, Deputy Premier, Foreign Minister and centre-right post Berlusconi Forza Italia (FI) leader Antonio Tajani said amid reports that several countries were "shocked" at alleged French and German attempts to isolate Meloni in the post-election jockeying for the EU's top jobs.
    "Yesterday I was not at the meeting in Brussels but certainly there is always an attempt to impose choices on the part of some forces that lost the elections, to impose the law of the loser", said Tajani referring to French President Emmanuel Macron who got half the votes of marine Le Pen's rightwing National Rally and called a snap election in response, and to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz whose centre-left SPD lost second place behind the centre right CDU to the rightwing Alternative for Germany.
    Commenting at the Farnesina on rumours that several countries were shocked by France and Germany's apparent desire to isolate Meloni, Tajani said "One cannot try to change the electoral outcome and the will of the citizens with Palace operations.
    "The election result must be taken into account, the doors of the majority must be opened to the ECR, not to the Greens".

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