
Strong, united response agst premiership, autonomy - Conte

'They shall not pass' M5S chief tells Rome rally

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 18 - Leftist populist 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader and former premier Giuseppe Conte told an opposition rally in Rome Tuesday that they would send a strong and united response to the government's controversial plans to reform the premiership to directly elect heads of government and to boost regional autonomy allegedly widening the north-south gap.
    Conte was speaking after an M5S MP was allegedly assaulted when a debate on the autonomy plans turned ugly on Wednesday.
    "They won't stop us with kicks and punches against one of our MPs," the former law lecturer told a big crowd in a Rome square.
    "Our reaction is for a more democratic Italy, in defence of the Constitution, against the split-Italy differentiated autonomy and against this Premiership (reform).
    "Our response is strong and united: it is a 'they shall not pass'". (ANSA).

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