
No deals with 'far right' Meloni say EU Greens

EPP mustn't make same terrible mistake as with Orban

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 19 - The European Green party said Wednesday it would make no alliance deals with Premier Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy (FdI) and the European Parliament caucus it leads, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), describing Meloni as "far right".
    Greens co-chairs Terry Reintke of Germany and Bas Eickhout of the Netherlands said the Socialists and Liberals had already "openly declared they can't forge deals with Meloni" as part of an extended alliance with the biggest ruling group, the centre right European People's Party (EPP).
    "If the EPP wants us to be part of the majority, it's essential to draw a very clear line and not give any room to Brothers of Italy," said the chairs.
    "FdI is an extreme right partyand we can see that also in the actions taken by Meloni since she has been in power, so we can only advise the EPP not to commit with Meloni the same terrible mistake made with (Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor) Orban in the last legislature". (ANSA).

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