
95% Italy bathing coast 'excellent'

99.7% in Puglia, 99% Friuli, 98.4% Sardinia, 98.2% Tuscany

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 20 - Over 95% of Italy's bathing coastline is in excellent condition and quality, the National System for the Protection of the Environment, SNPA, said Thursday.
    SNPA, a public network of environmental agencies formed by the national agency ISPRA and regional ARPAS, updated the classification of stretches of coast used for bathing.
    The kilometres of coastline in 'excellent' quality reach very high percentages in every region, with peaks of over 98% in Puglia (99.7%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (99%), Sardinia (98.4%) and Tuscany (98.2%). (ANSA).

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