
Roberto Baggio injured in robbery during Italy-Spain

Gang attacked former forward while watching game with family

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - VICENZA, JUN 21 - Former Italy forward Roberto Baggio was injured after being attacked by criminals during a robbery at his home in countryside near Vicenza while he was watching the Italy-Spain Euro 2024 football match with his family on Thursday, local news media reported on Friday.
    One member of the gang of five armed bandits reportedly hit Baggio in the head with the butt of a gun after he attempted to stop them.
    The criminals then locked the former Ballon d'Or-winner and his family in a room and proceeded with the robbery, according to the reports.
    The 57-year-old broke down the door when the gang left the house and called the Carabinieri police.
    The former player has lived in a villa in hills near the town of Altavilla Vicentina with his wife Andreina and three children for around 15 years. (ANSA).

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