
Salvini says 1bn water plan bill by end June

First medium to long term national plan says transport minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 25 - Transport and Infrastructure Minister Matteo Salvini said Tuesday he was working on a bill to put one billion euros into a water plan for Italy amid repeated droughts in many parts of the country.
    "I am working on a National Water Plan, it is the first time that there is a national plan that deals with water not in pursuit of the emergency but in the medium and long term," said the rightwing League leader, who is also deputy premier, in a video link-up with Enna in Sicily at a conference on his pet Messina Strait Bridge project.
    "I count by the end of June to give the green light to investments on a national level for almost 1 billion to make up for too much time lost in past years," Salvini said.
    'I know,' he added, 'that the situation in Enna and the province is serious and I am happy to lend a hand." Sicily is suffering a sever drought while there have been repeated droughts around the River Po in northern Italy in recent years, affecting the whole of the Po Valley and Emilia-Romagna in particular. (ANSA).

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