
Bonaccini stepping down as Emilia-Romagna governor

PD bigwig to take up place in European Parliament

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 26 - Emilia-Romagna Governor Stefano Bonaccini announced Wednesday that he will quit in two week's time after being elected as MEP for the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) in this month's European elections.
    The 57-year-old, who has been at the helm of the region since 2014, said he will stand down after Bologna hosts the Science and Technology G7 July 9-11.
    "It's been 10 complicated years," Bonaccini said remembering, among other things, the COVID-19 pandemic and a series of deadly floods.
    "And yet, I see this region stronger than 10 years ago". (ANSA).

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