
Femicide protesters splash paint over Spanish Steps

Problem can no longer be ignored says Bruciamo Tutto group

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 26 - A group of protesters splashed red paint on the Spanish Steps in Rome on Wednesday to highlight the problem of the high number of femicides taking place in Italy.
    The stunt was staged by Bruciamo Tutto (Let's Burn Everything), a civil-disobedience group formed after the brutal murder in November of 22-year-old student Giulia Cecchettin by her ex-boyfriend.
    "We staged this action to draw society's attention to a problem that it is absolutely no longer possible to ignore," Bruciamo Tutto said.
    "The government does not talk about it, it does not implement real change to protect us and change the system.
    "The Meloni government cuts funding to centres for the victims of violence by 70%, it attacks the law on the right to abortion, it does not take care of the rights of queer people, of the rights of migrants". (ANSA).

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