
Sultan of Brunei vying for ex Berlusconi villa in Sardinia

Hassanal Bolkiah said to have toured property recently

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 28 - The Sultan of Brunei, one of the world's richest men, is vying for late three-time ex premier and media mogul Silvio Berlusconi's famously luxurious villa in Sardinia, which has been put up for sale at an asking price of 300-500 million euros.
    Villa Certosa, a huge estate with gardens measuring 80 tennis courts, access to the sea, and an amphitheatre, was placed on the market by Berlusconi's heirs earlier this year.
    The 77-year-old sultan, whose net worth has been put at around 30 billion dollars, is reportedly keen to get his hands on a residence that has at one time or other hosted some of the world's most powerful men from ex US president George W.Bush to former British prime minister Tony Blair and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    The ruler of the Borneo island, whose name is Hassanal Bolkiah, boasts a patrimony of cars alone worth some five billion euros including 452 Ferraris, 500 Rolls Royces and dozens of unique vehicles.
    Bolkiah is reportedly facing competition from other Arab and American billionaires as well as hotel groups hoping to turn the villa into a luxury resort.
    But the sultan has reportedly set his heart on the late flamboyant statesman's costliest residence, according to reports which say he may gift it to one of his 10 children, 32-year-old Abdul Mateen, who recently got married in a 10-day ceremony on a cruise ship that circled he Mediterranean and also stopped on Sardinia.
    Bolkiah is rumoured to have recently toured the fairy-tale property. (ANSA).

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