
Antisemitism resurgent across the board says Piantedosi

FdI youth scandal but also Israeli flag burning, deplatforming

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 3 - Antisemitism is resurgent in Italy "across the board", Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said Wednesday citing an undercover report that found antisemitic, neoFascist and neoNazi sentiments among members of the youth wing of Premier Giorgia Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FDI) party but also the burning of Israeli flags and the deplatforming of Jewish journalists by leftist pro-Palestinian youths, among other things.
    "The shameful ostentation of gestures and symbols of totalitarianism that history has condemned, by exponents of the FdI youth movement as well as the repeated burning of Israeli flags during street demonstrations, the attacks on the Jewish brigades on 25 April, the circumstances in which journalists of Jewish origin were prevented from speaking at public events, are just some of the episodes that denote a transversal and unacceptable resurgence of anti-Semitism that must be fought on every front", he told question time in the House.
    Piantedosi was answering a question on investigative journalism website Fanpage's exposé of some mebres of Giovantù Nazionale, National Youth (GN), the youth wing of Meloni's party, who were caught on a hidden camera chanting Duce and Sieg Heil, mocking a Jewish Senator, and calling for centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein, who has Jewish roots, to be impaled. (ANSA).

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