
Govt gives regions 6 months to map areas for renewables

Countdown starts with publication of decree on official gazette

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 3 - A decree issued last month by the environment and energy security ministry giving Italy's regions 180 days to map out the areas within their territories suitable for renewable-energy facilities was published in the official gazette on Wednesday, thus starting the countdown to the deadline.
    Investing in clean, renewable sources of energy that do not generate greenhouse-gas emissions, such as solar and wind power, is important to be able to phase out the burning of fossil fuels - oil, gas and coal - which is the driving force of global heating.
    Scientists say the Mediterranean is a climate hotspot, with temperatures rising even faster here than in other parts of the world.
    Italy has experienced a long series of extreme weather events in recent years, including powerful and sometimes deadly storms and floods, heatwaves and drought, which have become more intense and more frequent because of the climate crisis.
    The decree was issued in concert with the agriculture and culture ministries. (ANSA).

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