
Woman shot dead by ex in Rome

50-year-old physiotherapist cut down by sawn-off shotgun blast from car in street

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 4 - The 53-year-old ex partner of a 50-year-old woman turned himself in Thursday after shooting dead his former companion with a shotgun blast from a car in a Rome street, the latest in a wave of femicides in Italy this year.The crime occurred shortly before 2 p.m. in the street in the Portuense district of the Italian capital.All attempts to revive the woman, a physiotherapist named Manuela Petrangeli, were in vain.Petrangeli was cut down a few metres from the Villa Sandra clinic where she worked.The man used a sawn-off shotgun to killer his ex, police said.A murder probe has been opened.The couple separated three years ago, police said.They had a nine-year-old son.

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